Baby Gallery

You made a dramatic entrance into this world, little one! We were all your willing servants, even before you were born. We all waited so patiently for you, watching you kick, listening to your little heart beat, wondering what you would look like and knowing you would be adorable. It's expected that your Mom, Dad, brothers and sisters would love you but it amazes me that God would allow your Mom's midwife to love you so dearly also. Although you're only a few hours old, you've already captured the heart of your mother, become the apple of your proud father's eye, and captivated the affection of an assortment of friends and relatives. Quite an accomplishment for one so tiny.

You are part of the hope of better things to come. God has a plan for you and it's part of a long journey and yet a wonderful adventure to discover His plan for your life. I see you as a great promise, as true as Noah's rainbow in a story your Mom and Dad will read to you one day.

God has loaned you to your Mom and Dad as a wonderful gift and now it's their responsibility to teach you of His ways. You are loved little one, with a love you can't possibly understand right now a love that includes wanting only the best for you, the precious gift from God that you are. I hope to watch you grow. You'll always have a special place in my heart and I'll always pray for you. 100 years from won't matter what kind of car I drove, what kind of house I lived in, how much money I had in my bank account or what my clothes looked like. But the world may be a little better because I was involved in the life of little child such as you. My prayer is that you will come to know the grace of the Lord at a young age and discover His purpose for your life.

Love from the lady who helped birth you ...

Lynda Hoskins
Your Mom's midwife

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